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Monday, April 8, 2013

Preah Bat Jayavarmann VII

Preah Bat Jayavarmann VII: was born 1125 and the king of Khmer Empire in the Siem Reap, Cambodia. He was the greatest king of Khmer Empire, expanding the territorial land and built a number of temples. He was the son of the king Dharanindravarmann II (1150-1160) and his mother was Sir Jayarajacudamani. He got marrying two times with Jayarajadevi and her sister Indradevi after him first wife Jayarajadevi got dead.

During his reign Jayavarmann VII continued his military activities, bringing Champa, Southern Laos, and portion of the Malay Peninsula and Burma under his condrol. During 1177, the Cham invaded Cambodia and they launched a great fighting on the territorial Khmer by sailing reached to the Mekong River and across Tonle Sap. THe invaders of Cham seized the territorial Khmer of Yasodharapura and put the king to death, and as well as taking the Apsara. 

After that, during 1178, Preah Bat Jayavarmann leaded the Khmer army to oust the invaders of Cham. He repelled another Cham attacking and the rebellion of the vassal kingdom of Malyang (Battambang). In his father's reign, he built Preah Khan Temple and Ta Prom of his mother, but both were not completed, so Praeh Bat Jayavarmann VII he continued to complete and then he complete the Bayon and developed the city of Angkor Thom. After that, he continued to build Neak Pean Temple. Preah Bat Jayavarmann VII was a great and generous king of Cambodia. He built 102 hospitals for his citizens. 


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