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Sunday, April 7, 2013

When human being started to use fire

When human being started to use fire: for a long decades ago, humans lived together as in group, and hunted wild animals for food by leading of head tribe of tribepeople. When the night time arrived, tribepeople got cold and bit by wild insects in a cave of them.

They were afraid of night time, so they found the methods to protect them by insects biting, cold, and making their cave in lightly. One day, having a wildfire in hardly, and making animals and tribepeople who lived around the jungle were awful and somes were dead by wildfire. After wildfire was zero, they collect in group and thought that if they have a fire, we would escape by insects biting, cold, and wild animals.

On daytime, when humans being hunted a wild animal by stone throwing, but it went to rock and made a spark. So they smiled and cried out we could make a fire by stone crash and then they gathered again and started to do this but unfortunately. For a while ago, they did like this again with small wood and dry grass, after did like this again and again they got successful.

According to scientists, researching about time of fire using by humans king was not sure, somes said that during 1.2 to 1.7 million years ago, and somes said in during Paleolithic Age. No scientists claim about the specific of fire using.


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